Had the chance to watch the drama unfold in the Clijsters-Williams Semifinals match in the 2009 US Open, which resulted in a point penalty for Serena Williams at match point, costing her the match. A match which many believe would have been won by Clijsters anyway, given the way she's playing the whole night. The incident once more highlighted the need to implement a more "professional" attitude in professional tennis. Time and again, umpires and line judges are berated by so-called tennis professionals in a manner that would have ended in a fistfight elsewhere. Does it really have to go to the level of name-calling and unveiled threats before such a penalty can be given to a player? I think the chair umpire should be given more leeway in defending the dignity of these line judges, who are professionals themselves. Of course, it can be said that it can cause undue disruptions in games, but in my opinion, players will toe the line more if such powers are given to chair umpires, resulting in "cleaner" matches. A case of a potential power that accomplish its intent without having to use it.

The other matter has to do with some of the comments regarding the foot fault. No less than Yahoo! Sports commented that a foot fault call is hardly ever made at match point, let alone in the semifinals stage of a Grand Slam. Whoa! Is that to say that players have been getting away with it all this time? Also, it must be pointed out that the foot fault call MADE the match point, it wasn't match point yet before it was called. Serena could still dig her way out of it yet. But that is not the real issue. A rule is a rule, and if Clijsters can win the match because of it, so be it. Or else just do away with the rule. Or put in stricter measures, like the way they have revolutionized ball tracking technology to provide a non-biased review of important points in the match.

Just my take on the biggest news of the day for tennis fans everywhere.


  1. dojski said...
    This was the yahoo article that got me reading about tennis today. =) Hehe. Serena's attitude was contrary to the Serena I came to know through a CNN interview some time ago.
    toguints said...
    Hi Dojs! Aren't you gonna write about Taylor Swift at the Music Video Awards? That was some story there with Kanye West. A not so good story, unfortunately.
    dojski said...
    Just wrote about it. I had to calm my nerves first. So tempting to do a Kanye to Kanye.

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