The following is a list of sites that offer some ways for you to make money through your blog. Some of these do not require that you do anything more other than setting it up in your blog. Others require some daily activity to be performed from your end to make it work. There are those that pay directly in cash, while others are a way for you to earn in an indirect manner, usually through an increase in traffic.

In general, these opportunities can be categorized as follows:

I. Simple Ad Placement

II. Referral/Affiliate Systems

III Contracting Services

IV Traffic Builders

A company offering these services may be found in one or more categories above, since most of them offer a combination of ways to make money.

I will build on this list in the coming days. Soon, this will have clickable links to posts where I will describe my experience (or understanding) of these sites, and maybe offer some tips. Maybe I could even have some guest bloggers write about a certain service that they had been into for quite some time already. Just let me know if you want to participate.

I know that this may seem like an addition to thousands of similar lists out there, but I am making this to really help me sit down and understand some of these services. In addition, I just might be able to add some unique insights to benefit the rest of my readers.

Stay tuned!


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