Once in a while you come across a book that explains a topic so well, it gives you that boost of enthusiasm to pursue something that you've started but has been laying on the wayside for quite some time already. Jeff Wignall explained the topic of exposure so well and in a way where I can pick up my camera and start shooting with purpose. The topics are discussed with an eye for practicality, neither too technical nor too general. The interplay of the three key ingredients of exposure - aperture, shutter speed, and ISO - are described in an engaging manner, punctuated with pictures that drive home the point he is trying to make. Plus the occasional joke and pun to liven up the atmosphere.

I have been about a quarter into his book, and already I feel that I have managed to move past my current situation of fixation (and confusion) with the technicals to how those technicals can be used to bring about the purpose of exposure: to capture in a picture a moment where you have been.

I borrowed the book from my brother-in-law who got it on sale at National Bookstore. For a book that's been issued only in 2008, it's a real bargain especially if you consider how well it was written. Which gives me the idea to be on a better lookout at National's bargain tables.

Click on the pic to get to Jeff Wignall's site. Enjoy!


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