What is your age, your real age?

This is the question RealAge attempts to answer for you. The first thing you can do at the site is to have your RealAge computed for you, by answering a series of questions ranging from hereditary traits to diet and lifestyle. Each answer you provide carries a weight that will either add or deduct from your calendar age to arrive at your "biological" age. The result is then summarized for you as a health action plan on what you should continue to do and what you should start having second thoughts doing in the future.
As with any mass-market approach in making estimates, RealAge relies primarily on averages, which is both a good and bad thing. Averages tend to even out extremes and in most situations provide a more conservative estimate. This can mean that you are even younger than what the results would indicate. But since this is based on averages, situations specific to you as a person may be overlooked. The way some questions are posed may also allow for some bias on your part to creep in. This may be unintentional and may just be a result of one's current mood or perception.

In addition to computing your RealAge, the site also features several specific and in-depth tests, such as diets, sleep, and exercise. You can also sign up to receive a daily e-mail of tips.

Although RealAge can never replace a regular checkup with your doctor, just having it around and being reminded of it daily (if you subscribed to the email alerts) can help to put you on the track to getting fit and healthy. You can also invite your friends to check out who among you is the youngest.

Go visit the site now and start living your life to the youngest!


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