Everybody could use some extra cash, whether it's Christmas time or not. And even though you won't be able to enjoy the cash that you can get from Paypal's promo until after the Christmas season, it's still spending money of up to $100. With hardly any additional effort. Here's the mechanics:

1. You should have a Facebook account. If you don't have one, go make one and get at least 99 of your friends linked to you (I will explain in a bit). And you should also have a Paypal account. You can make a free account as well from their website http://www.paypal.com/.

2. From the search engine in your Facebook account, look for "Paypal Wishlist" application. Accept the application, then create your wishlist. You immediately get $1 just by accepting the application. Look also for the button to register the email address you used in creating your Paypal account. That way, Paypal can deposit the amount you will earn into your Paypal account.

3. Next, click on Invite Friends and start inviting your friends to use the application. Each friend that accepts your application will earn you $1, and you can earn up $100 for the duration of the promo. I am thinking that means 99 friends at the most, since Paypal already gave $1 upon acceptance of the application.

Note: Promo is on up to December 31, 2009. So hurry! hurry! hurry! The amount you earn will be credited to your Paypal account no later than February 28, 2010. You have to be residing in India, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia or Singapore to be eligible to get the cash prizes; otherwise you can just make the Wishlist to let your friends know how much you loveeeee that gadget.


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