Lately I had been driving through the stretch of EDSA on my way to my field assignment. During this daily trip which usually lasts for more than an hour, I usually tune in to 98.7 DZFE FM, which features an assortment of classical music, news, and Christian oriented practical teachings. One of their features that I like very much and which I regularly get to catch at 6PM is the daily bible reading narrated by Max Mclean (I think the morning schedule for this is too early for me to be on the road already, or too late for me to be still on the road).

The first time I heard it, I took notice of the way the narration makes the words of the Bible come alive, minus any unnecessary emphasis that makes other bible readings sound, well, not so good. Max Mclean reads the passages in a way that conversations becomes lively or gives a glimpse into what the author of the Bible might actually be feeling as he contemplates what he is writing. I find it so good that I checked out their website at The site offers, for what I consider a reasonable fee, audio materials that are narration of the Bible and other Christian writings. It comes in various formats, including CDs, DVDs, and MP3 downloads. They also provide samples from time to time.

Although audio Bibles may not necessarily replace written Bibles, it is definitely a good way to be immersed in the Word as you go about your daily chores or when you are stuck in traffic or similar situations. It can also be a preparation for eventually sitting down and reflecting more thoroughly on a passage or chapter of Scripture.


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